Summer of Pleasure

explore the sensuality of summer on this solstice retreat

June 29-30, 2024

We will gather in 4 live circles over this weekend. The circles are held from 12-3pm ET each day.

*There will be recordings for those who can’t join us live.

Ahhh… the Summer Solstice, the height of the sun and light and bliss! You are being invited to tap into your bodily senses to take in more pleasures this summer.

Now some of you might be thinking, “but Meghan with so many terrible things happening in the world how could I possibly connect to my pleasure?”. I hear you! I am with you! We will explore this together, for our well-being depends on it.

When you can follow your pleasure and connect with your bodily senses, you are resourcing yourself to be more resilient. You are re-calibrating your body towards safety and therefore away from stress + anxiety. And from that place you can be a light of hope to the world around you.

This Summer Solstice retreat is a sacred container where you will be guided to allow all the energy of summer to flow through you. Leaving the retreat feeling energized, renewed, and ready to share your light out into the world!

During this Solstice Retreat, you will tap into the magic of...

the energy of the tarot to awaken your pleasure

white icon of tarot cards

meditation to explore your bodily senses

white icon sketch of a person meditating

being in harmony with the cycles of body + earth

intuitive guidance through journal writing

white journal icon meghannorean

community that values you for who you are

Take a peek at the Retreat Schedule...

Our Summer Solstice Retreat will be held live over the weekend of June 29+30, 2024. Here is the schedule:

Saturday, June 29th:

  • 12:00 – 1:00pm ET: Opening Circle
  • 1:00 – 1:30pm ET: Break
  • 1:30 – 3:00pm ET: Tarot and Journaling Circle

Sunday, June 30th:

  • 12:00 – 1:30pm ET: Ritual Magic Circle
  • 1:30 – 2:00pm ET: Break
  • 2:00 – 3:00pm ET: Closing Circle

Each circle has moments of grounding, meditation, somatic awareness and sharing together.

Who is this retreat for?

  • If you are overwhelmed with your daily life and all the things on your to do list.
  • If you find it difficult to take time and space to nourish yourself.
  • If you are busy, busy, busy and you need a moment to come home to yourself. 
  • If you are always giving to others and need reminded that you deserve pleasure too.
  • If you desire to live closer aligned to the seasonal energies of the body and earth.

Meet Your Guide, Meghan (she/they)

Headshot of Meghan wearing a red top and palm trees in the background.

Hey all! If you are new around here, you may not yet know that I’m a cyclical living guide weaving together cycle magic for the regeneration of body + earth + community. I’m here to create sacred space as we journey into remembrance and reclamation of our power through ritual, embodiment, meditation and tarot.

Summer has never been my favorite season. It has felt overbearing and just too much! This all began to change when I intentionally decided to follow my pleasure. Opening myself up to a deeper embodied experience through my senses, created more safety and resilience within.

But it did not come easily as there were many (and still are a few) layers of guilt to push through. In the culture I grew up in, working hard, pushing yourself to the limits, and burning out are the status quo. So when I began to push against this notion and took time off, even in the height of my inner summer, a lot of those shadows were lurking underneath.

This retreat is a time for all of us to come together in a shared sacred container to push against these notions that we should feel guilty for seeking out pleasure and embodying sensuality. These are our birthrights as human beings. Just look at the orchid and tell me that we aren’t all created to experience pleasure!

Sending love,


“What’s my guilty pleasure? The thing is, I never feel guilty about pleasures.”

- Tom Hiddleston -

Retreat Cost

The Summer of Pleasure Retreat is offered on a sliding scale to provide several pricing options to ensure accessibility. Choose the price that best fits your financial situation, societal positioning, and access to resources.

$100: Pay-it-Forward Price

*For those who have the financial means to redistribute for others to join.

$75: Fair Price

*This is the base price of the retreat.

$50: Supported Price

*For marginalized folks with financial need.

Note: All prices are in USD

*This retreat is FREE for those in the Sacred Cycles Coven and paid subscribers of the Root & Rhythm Substack. Sign up today to gain free access to this retreat and other seasonal gatherings!